image: alpine/latest packages: - coreutils - losetup - multipath-tools - procps - py3-requests - xz sources: - "" - "" - "" environment: BPO_TOKEN_FILE: "/home/build/.token" BPO_API_HOST: BPO_JOB_NAME: build_image secrets: - 482975ec-22f7-49fd-9b54-486b0b1947c3 triggers: - action: webhook condition: failure url: tasks: - bpo_setup: | export BPO_JOB_ID="$JOB_ID" git -C pmbootstrap checkout master # Switch branch and release channel mkdir -p ~/.config ( echo "[pmbootstrap]" echo "is_default_channel = False" ) > ~/.config/pmbootstrap_v3.cfg git -C pmaports checkout master sudo ln -s "$PWD"/pmbootstrap/ /usr/bin/pmbootstrap yes "" | pmbootstrap --aports=$PWD/pmaports -q init sudo modprobe binfmt_misc sudo mount -t binfmt_misc none /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc branch="$(git -C pmaports rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" if [ "$branch" != master ]; then echo "ERROR: pmbootstrap switched to the wrong branch: $branch" exit 1 fi # Put apk cache into tmpfs to use less disk space (pma#1623) sudo mkdir -p /mnt/tmpfs-for-apks sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=1500M tmpfs /mnt/tmpfs-for-apks WORK="$(pmbootstrap config work)" for arch in x86_64 aarch64 armv7 armhf x86 riscv64; do mkdir -p /mnt/tmpfs-for-apks/cache_apk_"$arch" sudo rm -rf "$WORK"/cache_apk_"$arch" ln -s /mnt/tmpfs-for-apks/cache_apk_"$arch" "$WORK" done - set_repos: | export BPO_JOB_ID="$JOB_ID" pmbootstrap config mirrors.pmaports pmbootstrap config mirrors.alpine - img_prepare: | export BPO_JOB_ID="$JOB_ID" IMG_DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)" echo "$IMG_DATE" > img-date # Image prefix format: # -postmarketOS---- UI_VERSION=$(grep "^pkgver=" "$(pmbootstrap config aports \ )"/main/postmarketos-ui-gnome-mobile/APKBUILD | cut -d= -f2) IMG_PREFIX="$IMG_DATE"-postmarketOS-edge-gnome-mobile IMG_PREFIX="$IMG_PREFIX"-"$UI_VERSION"-xiaomi-wt88047 echo "$IMG_PREFIX" > img-prefix pmbootstrap config ui gnome-mobile pmbootstrap config device xiaomi-wt88047 mkdir out - img: | export BPO_JOB_ID="$JOB_ID" IMG_PREFIX=$(cat img-prefix) pmbootstrap config kernel '' pmbootstrap config extra_space 0 pmbootstrap config extra_packages lang,musl-locales pmbootstrap -q -y zap -p pmbootstrap \ --details-to-stdout \ \ install \ --no-sshd \ --no-local-pkgs \ --password 147147 if [ -e $(pmbootstrap config work)/chroot_native/home/pmos/rootfs/xiaomi-wt88047.img ]; then sudo mv $(pmbootstrap config work)/chroot_native/home/pmos/rootfs/xiaomi-wt88047.img \ "out/$IMG_PREFIX.img" else # Boot and root partitions in separate files (pmbootstrap!1871) # Name the second file -bootpart.img instead of -boot.img to # avoid confusion with Android boot.img files. sudo mv $(pmbootstrap config work)/chroot_native/home/pmos/rootfs/xiaomi-wt88047-root.img \ "out/$IMG_PREFIX.img" sudo mv $(pmbootstrap config work)/chroot_native/home/pmos/rootfs/xiaomi-wt88047-boot.img \ "out/$IMG_PREFIX-bootpart.img" fi ls -lh out - img_bootimg: | export BPO_JOB_ID="$JOB_ID" IMG_PREFIX=$(cat img-prefix) for i in $(pmbootstrap config work)/chroot_rootfs_xiaomi-wt88047/boot/boot.img*; do if [ -e "$i" ]; then sudo mv "$i" "out/$IMG_PREFIX-boot.img" fi done ls -lh out - img_lk2nd: | export BPO_JOB_ID="$JOB_ID" IMG_PREFIX=$(cat img-prefix) for i in $(pmbootstrap config work)/chroot_rootfs_xiaomi-wt88047/boot/lk2nd.img; do if [ -e "$i" ]; then sudo mv "$i" "out/$IMG_PREFIX-lk2nd.img" fi done ls -lh out - compress: | export BPO_JOB_ID="$JOB_ID" sudo chown "$(id -u):$(id -g)" out/*.img for i in out/*.img; do xz -0 -T0 "$i" done ls -lh out - checksums: | export BPO_JOB_ID="$JOB_ID" cd out for i in *; do sha256sum "$i" | tee "$i.sha256" sha512sum "$i" | tee "$i.sha512" done - submit: | export BPO_JOB_ID="$JOB_ID" export BPO_API_ENDPOINT="build-image" export BPO_ARCH="" export BPO_BRANCH=master export BPO_DEVICE=xiaomi-wt88047 export BPO_UI=gnome-mobile export BPO_PAYLOAD_IS_JSON="0" export BPO_PKGNAME="" export BPO_VERSION="$(cat img-date)" # Upload one file at a time prev="" for i in out/*; do export BPO_PAYLOAD_FILES_PREVIOUS="$prev" export BPO_PAYLOAD_FILES="$i" prev="$prev$(basename "$i")#" done # Finalize upload export BPO_PAYLOAD_FILES_PREVIOUS="$prev" export BPO_PAYLOAD_FILES=""